Fred Haas Collision Center alleviates the burden caused by an automobile accident. Most people involved in accidents have very busy lives, and the added stress of an accident isn’t something anyone wants, or has time to deal with. Having your vehicle repaired at Fred Haas Certified Collision Center is the BEST way to reduce the hassle an automobile accident causes in your life. Fred Haas Collision Center has an industry leading repair facility, rated as one of the top performing repair facilities in the United States, with repair quality AND customer service unsurpassed by ‘other’ local shops. We have been in business for 42 strong years, and have always backed our lifetime warranty with a smile. Have your vehicle repaired here today, and leave knowing you’ve gotten the best repair, best service, and a shop that cares about you and your auto.
Winning Service
and Accreditation
Company Relations
Collision Certified
Customer Benefits
- Nearly half of all vehicles are repaired within 72 hours.
- Lifetime guarantee against material defects.
- Lifetime guarantee on workmanship.
- Repair by appointment convenience.
- Thorough quality inspection.
Insurer Benefits
- Faster cycles for increased customer satisfaction.
- Pre-managed direct repair order processing system.
- High rate of accurate delivery estimations.
- Lower rental car expenses.
- High CSI (AutoCheX)